Minggu, 25 September 2016

What Is The Reason I Chose This Photo

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu
Greetings the Prosperous for us all.
This time I will explain why I chose this photo. First of all I will introduce myself first. Dimas Prasetyo My Name, Address highway Mega East Dusun Mega Lestari southern trench RT 02 / RW 02, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. I was a student at the University Tanjung Pura Department of Computer Systems. I took this photo at Masjid Raya Mujahidin are on the road Ahmad Yani, Pontianak. Masjid Raya Mujahidin are places of worship of religious people of Islam in Pontianak. Masjid Raya Mujahidin was established in 1978, Masjid Raya Mujahidin is the largest mosque in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Masjid pride of Muslims in West Kalimantan have long struggle to save history. Mujahidin have chosen the name proposed by Achmad Mawardi Djafar, to perpetuate the struggle of Muslims in the fight for the independence of Indonesia, especially in West Kalimantan. Masjid Raya Mujahidin can accommodate up to 9 thousand pilgrims. This two-story mosque building has an area of 60 meters x 60 meters over an area of approximately 4 hectares. Courtyard outside the mosque can accommodate about 1600 cars worshipers will worship in the mosques pride of the city of Pontianak in West Kalimantan. Masjid Raya Mujahidin besides be a place of worship is also arguably one of the recreation area, a exercising but on his lawn, and held an event that shaped Islamiah. Back to the topic, these photos I took before the Meet and Greet is carried by students at the University of Tanjung Pura. The event was attended by new students of Tanjung Pura, Mr. H. Sutarmidji, SH, M. Hum, and the Committee. In this event we are introduced to the Islamic UKM from various majors, UKM sports, and other UKM. In this event, Mr. H. Sutarmidji, SH, M. Hum, giving mandate-trust and motivation for new students at the University of Tanjung Pura.
A few of the reasons I chose this photo.

Wabilahitaufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

Sabtu, 10 September 2016

The Reason I Went To A Computer System

Hello, ladies and genlemen. I will tell you about the reason why i choose the study Computer Systems. First of all I would like to introduce myself first, my name is Dimas Prasetyo from the Pontianak, students of the University of Tanjung Pura Chief of the Faculty of intelligent acceleration-careful Mathematics Prodi System Computer. So why i chose prodi System the Computer, because when you want to sing up my high school to my parent entered high school N 1 Pontianak, but the NIM as well as I don’t sufficient to enter high school N 1 Pontianak, so I went to high school N 3 Pontianak, and then I applied to high school N 3 Pontianak, the first choice of high school dealing with 3 Pontianak, to two high school dealing with 9 Pontianak, and to 3,4,5, was 5,7,and 6. At that time, NIM people who register high school is very high, plus I come from out of town, so the selection more difficult, high school N 3 Pontianak I wasn’t accepted I was transferred to high school dealing with 9 Pontianak, every day I checked through the internet, it turns out I was in high school dealing with 9 Pontianak, I was thankful that not too far away. So I was in high school dealing with 9 Pontianak, on the way up in 11 th grade I told my parent choose science class, and I vote into the classroom science, and learn the lessons about intelligent acceleratoin-careful Mathematics. After graduating from high school dealing with 9 Pontianak, from the school’s college enrollments through SNPTN, I started to follow it. I don’t want to register where so I voted in UNTAN, then I asked my parents. My father told me to take accounting, he said easily find work, and my mother had taken economic, because she loves to trade. But I think both including IPS, because I like to play a laptop and warnet, so I chose my major about computer, which is of informatics and the computer system. It turns out that I do not qualify SNPTN, so I tried through SBMPTN, because I like playing computer games be my first choice I am majoring in computer, I was confused to choose technical Information or the computer system, because of informatics was a lot of people who want to sign up, so I decided to choose a computer system is lower than in engineering information, the choice of my second I chose an architect, and the third I chose the pharmacy. Then there is a friend of mine took a list to POLNEP, so I had come to apply to POLNEP, there’s only one major computer are technical information  so I chose my major, because there are only allowed to choose two majors all of which I chose accounting. I had to take the test there, a couple of weeks then there are announcement of POLNEP it turns out I passed there, I’m pleased to meet you, I think if it doesn’t get UNTAN I come in POLNEP course. Then there was an announcement of students who graduated in UNTAN, so I’ll check it turns out I passed the exam in UNTAN, because in UNTAN to S1 and POLNEP D3, so I prefer to go in UNTAN, the faculty of matematics and science study program the computer system, that’s why chose study program the computer system, of I thank you.